Ochil Foods work with over thirty artisan Scottish producers from Scottish Shellfish, Highland Venison and Perthshire Soft Fruits to specialist producers such as Katy Rodgers Dairy, Great Glen Charcuterie and many more.

Away from home we have an extensive range of specialty ingredients from cheeses
to patisserie ingredients.

Browse our site to find out more.

Our Suppliers

We work with some of the best local producers and international brands in high quality speciality foods.

Our Product List

We have a diverse range of over 1000 products sourced both locally and internationally.


Years in the business







What our customers say…

Ochil’s passion and commitment has been essential to our success for the past 25 years

Ochil’s commitment to provenance is the foundation to our fantastic relationship.

Ochil’s passion and knowledge are key ingredients to the successful running of our kitchen.