Cullisse Rapeseed Oil

For over 150 years the Mackenzie family have farmed the rich, fertile soils of Easter Ross, surrounded by the beautiful coastlines of the Moray, Cromarty and Dornoch firths, and sheltered by the rugged mountains of the north west Highland range.

Cullisse Rapeseed Oil was set up by Robert Mackenzie using oilseed rape grown on the family farm and is set apart by the distinct flavours created by the unique geography of the region. Cullisse have built quite a fan base amongst top chefs including Heston Blumental to some of the finest restaurants across the world as far flung as Japan and Dubai.

Robert is truly committed to giving back, and is passionate about the soil and local environment on his farms. Also he donates 20p in every litre sold to his charity Farm Africa, who work with grass roots farmers in Eastern Africa, improving the food security and livelihoods of smallholder farmers whilst promoting ‘climate smart’ approaches that ensure farmers can also manage their natural resources sustainably.